Tag Archives: sports films

Sports films – have we been had?!

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(Writer’s note – I have wasted far too much time sourcing YouTube and other clips for this posting – for the love of all that isn’t Angelina Jolie, I beg of you to click on at least one of them so it all hasn’t been in vain!

Also, the Melbourne Cup posting has caused a fair bit of dialogue. It’s 4 to 1 against ‘the race that stops a nation’ at the moment, but both sides seem equally passionate.)


Last night, I watched ‘The Blind Side‘, Sandra Bullock’s Academy Award winning coming of age, narrowly edging Speed 1 in my humble opinion….

I texted a mate during it and he quickly came back with an in-jest reply of, ‘Blind Side is a sports film. You must avert your eyes!’

Being towards the end of the film, I say confidently that ‘Blind Side’ is certainly not a sports film; it’s a love story, but in a different mould from your usual/terrible stereotypes – insert Ashton Kutcher film here – in that it’s more of a family love story that makes less people cringe than the usual suspects.


Moneyball is out in Australia next week. Knowing part of the back-story (no, no media bans shall be broken here) re the success of the Oakland A’s as a small market baseball team in a league without a salary cap (fare thee well, Boston Red Sox), I am excited to see it. The inclusion, though, of Brad Pitt has me as wary as the next NBA player to hook up with Kim Kardashian. (Thank you, thank you; I’m here til Tuesday, try the veal.)

What if it’s about Pitt trying to reclaim a lost love and his commitment to the team shows ‘Hot Woman A’ what a changed man he is? What if this is about Jonah Hill (mandatory Superbad clip) seeking acceptance in a world of … well, in a world of Brad Pitt’s? What if, simply, we are once again stooged into paying our hard earned only to be disappointed… Read the rest of this entry